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Quick Cheese & Vegie Pasta

300g pasta⠀
1tbs coconut oil ⠀
1 garlic clove, crushed⠀
1 medium zucchini, grated ⠀
1 medium carrot, grated ⠀
2tbs corn flour ⠀
300ml milk ⠀
150g cheese, grated ⠀

1. Put the pasta on to boil according to packet instructions. ⠀

2. Melt the coconut oil in a frying pan and add the garlic, zucchini and carrot and sauté for 3-4 mins. You will start to see the moisture come out of the zucchini. ⠀

3. Reduce the heat to low and add the corn flour and stir for 1 minute. ⠀

4. Add the milk and continue stirring until the mixture boils and thickens. ⠀

5. Add the grated cheese and allow to melt. ⠀

6. Add the drained pasta and serve. ⠀

Enjoy 🐢⠀

⏰ Prep 5 mins Cook 10 mins ⠀
👩‍🍳Serves 4 ⠀
👶 Suitable from 6 months⠀
❄️ Sauce can be frozen for up to 3 months.
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My apologies as we have SOLD OUT of some purees. We are waiting on some packaging to arrive and plan to have stock back online at the end of this week. Thanks for your understanding.

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